
An Item is the simplest container. It stores a single value at a specific key.

An Item that’s never been set is empty, and will return None upon a get.


For a more in-depth look at the Item container, check out the API documentation.

Usage examples

Saving an admin address

Quite often it is necessary for a contract to keep track of who is its “owner” or “admin”. In order to do that, we can store an admin address (usually in instantiation). Later, the address of the caller can be matched against this address in execution endpoints.

Here’s how to store and manipulate an admin address, or any other simple data.

use cw_storey::containers::Item;
const ADMIN_IX: u8 = 0;
let admin: Item<String> = Item::new(ADMIN_IX);
admin.access(&mut storage)
  • line 5: Here we construct the Item facade. The constructor takes a key, which is the key the data will be stored at in the underlying storage backend. See also Containers - Namespace.
  • lines 7-10: This assertion is just to show you the Item is empty (Option::None) before it’s initialized.
  • lines 12-14: Here we commit a value to storage.
  • line 17: Here we retrieve the value from storage.

Maintaining a config structure

It’s also common to save a whole struct in an Item, with a variety of data. Often the struct represents a contract’s “config”.

use cw_storey::containers::Item;
const CFG_IX: u8 = 0;
struct Config {
    pub admin: String,
    pub interest_rate: Decimal,
let item: Item<Config> = Item::new(CFG_IX);
let mut access = item.access(&mut storage);
let cfg = Config {
    admin: "some_address".to_string(),
    interest_rate: Decimal::percent(5),
assert_eq!(access.get().unwrap(), Some(cfg));

Note the highlighted line. The struct must be encodable. For CosmWasm contracts this generally means it implements serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}. The best idiomatic way to achieve that is by using the cosmwasm_schema::cw_serde macro we provide.

Default values

Sometimes you might like to read a value, but expect to receive a default if it’s never been initialized. This is a common pattern for counters or other numeric values.

use cw_storey::containers::Item;
const COUNTER_IX: u8 = 0;
let counter: Item<u32> = Item::new(COUNTER_IX);
let mut access = counter.access(&mut storage);
let mut total = access.get().unwrap().unwrap_or(0);
assert_eq!(total, 0);
total += 1;

There’s no magic here, just Option::unwrap_or at the highlighted line. This is less a feature of the framework and more a pattern you might find useful.